The Atmel ICE200 In-Circuit-Emulator provides the easiest way of debugging embedded systems that utilizes the Atmel AVR high-performance microcontroller. It directly emulates 9 different devices and can indirectly emulate three additional devices, giving debugging support for a total of 12 different devices of the Classic AVR and the Tiny AVR families.

The main philosophy of the ICE200 is to provide an easy to use debugging platform, with a minimum of differences between the emulator and the actual processor it is emulating. The new Atmel AVR AT90EM04 emulator chip used by the ICE200, is produced in the same process as the processors it is emulating, providing excellent electrical characteristics, and is non-intrusive to hardware. On-board debugging resources ensures non-intrusive software emulation. The ICE200 hardware also includes an automatic configuration system that makes the process of connecting the target to the emulator an easy task.

Together with the AVR Studio debugging environment, the ICE200 gives the user full run time control, unlimited number of breakpoints, symbolic debugging and full memory and register visibility. Multiple ICE200 emulators can be used by AVR Studio at the same time, only limited by the number of serial ports available, giving a high degree of flexibility.

See Also