About this Manual
This manual contains important warnings to prevent damage to your system and the ICE200. All the warnings are emphasized as shown in the example below.
This is a warning...

Please read all warnings carefully.

Some sections contain useful tips for using the ICE200. All the tips are emphasized as shown in the example below.

This is a tip...

When the detailed descriptions in the Connecting to the target and in the Configuration sections have been used and you are beginning to feel comfortable with the use of the ICE200, you can use the checklists at the end of these sections for fast setup of a new project. The checklists are of great help for getting the debugging system on-line without problems. However, novice users should also check that the operating conditions of the target system is compliant to the requirements of ICE200. This is described in the Using the ICE200 section.

Related Documentation
The following electronic documents from Atmel are related to the use of the AVR micro-controllers, and of the debugging tools. All documents can be found on the Atmel Products CD-ROM enclosed in the ICE200 kit. For more information and document updates, please visit our web site: www.atmel.com.

See Also