Watch Menu
Add Watch (Ins)
In order to insert a new watch, the user must select Add Watch from the Watch window, or press the Add Watch button on the Debug toolbar. If the Watch window is not present when the Add Watch command is given, the Watch window is created, and already defined watches are reinserted (if any).

If the Watch window is the active window, a new watch can also be added by pressing the Ins key.

Delete Watch (Del)
The user can delete a watch by first marking the symbol to be deleted in the Watch window and then give a Delete Watch command from the Watch menu or from the Debug toolbar. Selecting a watch is done by moving the mouse pointer to the name of the watch and pressing the left mouse button.

If the Watch window is the active window, a marked symbol can also be deleted by pressing the Del key.

Delete All
The Delete all watches command is available from the Watch menu. When this command is issued, all defined watches are removed from the Watch window.

The Watch window has four fields. The first field is the name of the symbol which is being watched. The next is the type of the symbol, the third is the value of the symbol and the fourth is the address. By default, the Watch window is empty, i.e. all the symbols the user would like to watch have to be added to the Watch window. Once a symbol has been added, it is remembered also in subsequent executions of the programs. The added watches are also remembered if the Watch window is closed.

Hex Display
When selected, the values in the watch window will be displayed in hexadecimal.

See Also