Serial to GPIB converter This soft/hardware is made specific for my Tektronix 4662 flatbed plotter with GPIB (IEE488) interface, and a strange GDU coordinate system..! Now it communicate with a HPGL device-driver trough a normal RS 232 serialport. Introduction: Some years ago I got the idea of making PCB with a plotter and finally found a old Tektronix A3 flatbed plotter from the early 80'. But I newer really got it to work for that purpose I had in mind, mainly because of the strange old GDU cordinate system used on Tektronix Plot10 and Plot50 graphic work station from that periode. Later on I got a newer Roland DXY990 plotter with Serial/Parallel interface and have made many fine PCB since. I plot direct on the copper foil with a permanent ink pen, and the quality is very good. A quick, easy and clean way of doing some rapidly prototype boards. Now I have gone a step further doing quick PCB's and for that I need a X-Y machine. So the old Tektronix got a Atmel 90S2313 chip implemented, and voila... So thanks to MCS electronic for there fantastic compiler. :o) I now just need to finish the milling machine to replace the pen on the plotter, and I'am ready to Countour Milling a board with the Eagle Layout-editor and CAM processor I use. And for that purpose the Tektronix plotter is ideal with it's robust motor system and very smoth microstep drive. Software/Hardware: I don't think this software is usable in this form for other than myself, but if you can use fragments of it, maby the GPIB protocol procedure, you are welcome to do so. In this case, I'll be glad when you post me a message. I have included lots of comments in the source code, so there isn't mutch to say about it, except for the size of the hex file generated.! 7EC (2028) is the actual ROMIMAGE size, and It took me some time to get it fit in. Lot of memory was used every time a string needed to be cleared... (Result="") By collecting this in a single Sub routine instead, up to 300 byte was saved...! Files Contents: Serial2Gpib.ZIP ---Serial2Gpib.bas ---Serial2Gpib.gif ---Serial2Gpib.sch ---Serial2Gpib.txt Posted at: MCS electronic --- Bascom Users Software Pool --- Links: MCS electronic --- Eagle Layout Editor --- Jan Petersen --- Author: Jan Petersen Orevej 6 DK 4760 Vordingborg Denmark EMail: Date: 24.02.2000