Dekoder - BCD zu Dezimal Decoder - BCD to decimal 16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 8 9 D3 D2 D1 D0 VCC 'Beschreibung-E: These monolithic decimal decoders consist of eight inverters and ten four-input NAND date. The inverters are connected in pairs to make BCD input data available for decoding by the NAND gates. Full decoding of valid input logic ensures that all outputs remain off for all invalid conditions. 'Funktionstabelle: 5 ,17,4 D3,D2,D1,D0,Q=L L,L,L,L,0 L,L,L,H,1 L,L,H,L,2 L,L,H,H,3 L,H,L,L,4 L,H,L,H,5 L,H,H,L,6 L,H,H,H,7 H,L,L,L,8 H,L,L,H,9 H,L,H,L,- H,L,H,H,- H,H,L,L,- H,H,L,H,- H,H,H,L,- H,H,H,H,- 'Ende