EISA=Extended Industry Standard Architecture.
Developed by Compaq, AST, Zenith, Tandy...
+---------------------------------------------+ | (component side) | | | |___________ ISA-16bit __ ISA-8bit __| ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||| A1(front)/B1(back) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EISA: E1(front)/F1(back) C1/D1 G1/H1
A,C,E,G=Component Side A,B,F,H=Sold Side
(at the
62+38 PIN EDGE CONNECTOR at the computer.
Pin | Name | Description |
E1 | CMD# | Command Phase |
E2 | START# | Start Phase |
E3 | EXRDY | EISA Ready |
E4 | EX32# | EISA Slave Size 32 |
E5 | GND | Ground |
E6 | KEY | Access Key |
E7 | EX16# | EISA Slave Size 16 |
E8 | SLBURST# | Slave Burst |
E9 | MSBURST# | Master Burst |
E10 | W/R# | Write/Read |
E11 | GND | Ground |
E12 | RES | Reserved |
E13 | RES | Reserved |
E14 | RES | Reserved |
E15 | GND | Ground |
E16 | KEY | Access Key |
E17 | BE1# | Byte Enable 1 |
E18 | LA31# | Latchable Addressline 31 |
E19 | GND | Ground |
E20 | LA30# | Latchable Addressline 30 |
E21 | LA28# | Latchable Addressline 28 |
E22 | LA27# | Latchable Addressline 27 |
E23 | LA25# | Latchable Addressline 25 |
E24 | GND | Ground |
E25 | KEY | Access Key |
E26 | LA15 | Latchable Addressline 15 |
E27 | LA13 | Latchable Addressline 13 |
E28 | LA12 | Latchable Addressline 12 |
E29 | LA11 | Latchable Addressline 11 |
E30 | GND | Ground |
E31 | LA9 | Latchable Addressline 9 |
F1 | GND | Ground |
F2 | +5V | +5 VDC |
F3 | +5V | +5 VDC |
F4 | --- | |
F5 | --- | |
F6 | KEY | Access Key |
F7 | --- | |
F8 | --- | |
F9 | +12V | +12 VDC |
F10 | M/IO# | Memory/Input-Output |
F11 | LOCK# | Lock bus |
F12 | RES | Reserved |
F13 | GND | Ground |
F14 | RES | Reserved |
F15 | BE3# | Byte Enable 3 |
F16 | KEY | Access Key |
F17 | BE2# | Byte Enable 2 |
F18 | BE0# | Byte Enable 0 |
F19 | GND | Ground |
F20 | +5V | +5 VDC |
F21 | LA29# | Latchable Addressline 29 |
F22 | GND | Ground |
F23 | LA26# | Latchable Addressline 26 |
F24 | LA24# | Latchable Addressline 24 |
F25 | KEY | Access Key |
F26 | LA16 | Latchable Addressline 16 |
F27 | LA14 | Latchable Addressline 14 |
F28 | +5V | +5 VDC |
F29 | +5V | +5 VDC |
F30 | GND | Ground |
F31 | LA10 | Latchable Addressline 10 |
G1 | LA7 | Latchable Addressline 7 |
G2 | GND | Ground |
G3 | LA4 | Latchable Addressline 4 |
G4 | LA3 | Latchable Addressline 3 |
G5 | GND | Ground |
G6 | KEY | Access Key |
G7 | D17 | Data 17 |
G8 | D19 | Data 19 |
G9 | D20 | Data 20 |
G10 | D22 | Data 22 |
G11 | GND | Ground |
G12 | D25 | Data 25 |
G13 | D26 | Data 26 |
G14 | D28 | Data 28 |
G15 | KEY | Access Key |
G16 | GND | Ground |
G17 | D30 | Data 30 |
G18 | D31 | Data 31 |
G19 | MREQx | Master Request |
H1 | LA8 | Latchable Addressline 8 |
H2 | LA6 | Latchable Addressline 6 |
H3 | LA5 | Latchable Addressline 5 |
H4 | +5V | +5 VDC |
H5 | LA2 | Latchable Addressline 2 |
H6 | KEY | Access Key |
H7 | D16 | Data 16 |
H8 | D18 | Data 18 |
H9 | GND | Ground |
H10 | D21 | Data 21 |
H11 | D23 | Data 23 |
H12 | D24 | Data 24 |
H13 | GND | Ground |
H14 | D27 | Data 27 |
H15 | KEY | Access Key |
H16 | D29 | Data 29 |
H17 | +5V | +5 VDC |
H18 | +5V | +5 VDC |
H19 | MAKx | Master Acknowledge |
Contributor: Joakim Ögren, Mark Sokos
Mark Sokos EISA page
"EISA System Architecture, 2nd Edition" by Tom Shanley and Don Anderson, ISBN 0-201-40995-X
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.* FAQ Part 4 - maintained by Ralph Valentino
Copyright © The Hardware Book Team 1996-2001.
May be copied and redistributed, partially or in whole, as appropriate.
Document last modified: 2001-06-08