Creating a new project
From the project menu, select new project. The following dialog will appear:
The user have now two choices:
Select your type of project, and enter your project name. Click ok and the Project window appears. You can now add files, groups or targets to the project.
The future releases of AVR Studio will include other project types supporting specific 3rd party vendors and tools.
Saving and opening projects
All projects are saved with your selected name with the ending .apr. When the user wants to reopen a project, this can be done under the file menu and the recently used file list, or under the
project menu, open project.
Project toolbar
The following commands are available on the toolbar:
Project Output view
After building,assembling or compiling the project, the output window prompts with messages.
If any errors occur, the user can double-click on the message, and the marker will show correct
position in the source window.