Source Window Modes
When the button to the right of the module selection box is pressed, the Source window switches between source level mode and mixed level mode.

Source Mode
By default, source views open in source mode if any symbolic information is available in the object file loaded. In this mode, all debug operations are performed on source level.

Note: If the screen is blank when switching to Source Mode, no source level information exist for the current location. Execute a 'Step Into' opeation to run to the first source line.

Mixed Mode
The actual program memory is disassembled and listed in adittion to the source code, if available. All debug operations are performed on dissassembly level.

If the object file does not contain any symbolic information about the current module, the screen will be blank in source mode. In this case, debugging must be done on disassembly level. Missing source level information for any module is typically caused by modules beeing compiled or linked without debug information. Also, files in Intel-Hex format contains no symbolic debug information.

See Also
Debug Control
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