Volkswagen 01M Transmission. Manual - part 75


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Volkswagen 01M Transmission. Manual - part 75








37-2, Adjusting




Mounting bracket/cover 


Can only be removed 



Lock washer 


Always replace   



Selector lever cable 


Is removed together with 
selector mechanism 



- 15 - 




37-2, Adjusting




Lock washer 


Always replace   



Mounting bracket 


For selector lever cable on 



Bolt, 23 Nm 




Always replace   


The threaded holes in 
transmission for bolts must 
always be cleaned. (e.g. with 
a thread tap)   


Selector lever handle, removing and installing



To ensure the handle is not damaged adhere to this 

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Selector mechanism, servicing



- Pry out selector.  

-  Remove bracket from handle.  

-  Pull button passed pressure point until it is locked in 

- Remove handle from selector lever.



If the handle is replaced, do not remove the assembly aid 
from the new handle under any circumstances!

If the button is inadvertently pressed into the handle, hold 
handle vertically and at the bottom (!). Carefully blow 
button outwards again using compressed air until it can be 
pulled out over the pressure point by hand.

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Selector mechanism, servicing



- Re-install assembly aid - A  - (enclosed with new 

-  Push in clip.  

-  Press selector into handle again.  

-  Place selector lever in position "N" . 

-  I - Guide sleeve carefully through cover strip and cross 
slide lying underneath.

-  Make certain that the sleeve is carefully guided through 
the cover strip when inserting. If carelessly pushing the 
sleeve in, the cover strip will break.  

-  II - Install handle lengthwise until stop, then turn.

Installation position: Button facing driver.

-  III - Press handle on selector lever up to stop until it 
engages noticeably.  

-  Remove assembly aid - A  - , operate switch and remove 
sleeve upward. 

-  Remove protective foil on adhesive surface and affix 
label - arrow  - 

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Selector mechanism, servicing




Selector lever cable, checking and adjusting

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required


Torque wrench V.A.G 1331    



Socket and key T40031    




-  Place selector lever in position "P" . 

-  Remove noise insulation on bottom of transmission.

-  Pull selector lever cable - 2  - from lever/selector shaft. 

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Selector mechanism, servicing








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