Volkswagen 01M Transmission. Manual - part 87


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Volkswagen 01M Transmission. Manual - part 87



37 - 6 




Transmission Control Module (TCM) J217

Transmission control module (TCM) J217  , removing and 

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required


Torque wrench V.A.G 1331    



Vehicle diagnostic, testing, and information system 
VAS 5051    




- Before removing transmission control module (TCM) 
J217  , the control module identification as well as the 
coding must be queried from the control module. 



To prevent damage to the front trim under the right 
front seat, the retaining tabs on the trim are 
displayed in the following illustration.   


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Transmission Control Module (TCM) J217




The retaining tabs - A  - grab behind a cross 
member under the seat. The trim must be pushed 
down and back at the same time. Hold the trim in 
this position and pull upward in the area of the 
retaining tabs - A  - to release them.   



The retaining tabs - B  - grab in the recesses of the 
cross member in front of the seat. These are 
released by pushing down and pulling forward.   



The retaining tabs - C  - are clipped into the side trim 
of the seat and are released by pulling forward.   


-  Move seat to the most rear and upward position.

-  Release retaining tabs "A" -  arrows A  -  by pressing 
down and pushing rearward at the same time. In this 
position, lift the trim in the area of the retaining tabs "A" 
arrows A  -  

-  Press trim down and pull forward at the same time. 
Thereby the retaining tabs "B" -  arrows B  -  and "C" 
arrows C  -  
are released. 

-  Move seat to the most front and upward position.

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Transmission Control Module (TCM) J217



-  The procedure for disconnecting batteries must 
absolutely be obeyed.  

- Disconnect battery Ground (GND) strap with ignition 
switched off 


 Repair Manual, Electrical Equipment, Repair Group 27, 

Located in housing - 1  - is transmission control module 
J217  and the differential control module J646  . 

-  Release and pull off connectors from differential control 
module J646  - 2  - and transmission control module J217  
3   -  

- Remove bolt - arrow  - and remove housing with control 
modules from mounting. 

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Transmission Control Module (TCM) J217


- Pull retaining tabs outward - arrows 1  - and pull control 
module out from housing - arrow 2  - 



Installation is in reverse order of removal. Note the 

-  Verify the previous coding, and code new control 

- Install seat trim 



Repair Manual, Body Interior, Repair Group 72, 

-  Observe work sequence after connecting the battery 


 Repair Manual, Electrical Equipment, Repair Group 27, 

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Transmission Control Module (TCM) J217








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