When programming multiple devices with the same code, the Auto tab offers a powerful method of automatically going through a user-defined sequence of commands. The commands are listed in the order they are executed (if selected). To enable a command the appropriate check box should be checked. E.g. If only "Program FLASH" is checked, by pressing the "Start" button the FLASH memory will be programmed with the HEX file specified in the "Program" settings. All commands depend on, and uses, the settings given in the STK500 User Interface.
It is possible to log the command execution to a text file by checking the "Log to file" check box.
Click on the check boxes for the commands that you want the STK500 User Interface to perform. A typical sequence where the device is erased and then programmed is shown in the figure. The chip is erased, both memories programmed and verified, and finally fuses and lock bits are programmed.
Once configured, the same programming sequence is executed every time the "Start" button is pressed. This reduces both work and possibilities for errors due to operational errors.
By clicking on the "Log to file" check box all output from the commands are written to a text file. The file is selected/created by pressing the "Browse" button, and navigate to the location where the file is placed, or should be created. The output is directed to this file, and can be viewed and edited using a text editor.