The program settings are divided into 4 different sub groups.
Device is selected by selecting the correct device from the pull-down menu. This group also includes a button that performs a chip-erase on the selected device, erasing both the FLASH and EEPROM memories.
This group selects programming mode. For devices only supporting High-Voltage programming , the ISP option will be grayed out. If both modes are available, select mode by clicking on the correct method. Checking the "Erase Device Before Programming" will force STK500 to perform a chip-erase before programming code to the program memory (Flash). Checking the “Verify Device After Programming” will force STK500 to perform a verification of the memory after programming it (Both Flash and EEPROM).
If the STK500 User Interface is opened without a project loaded in AVR Studio, the "Use Current Simulator/Emulator FLASH Memory" option will be grayed out. When a project is open this option allows programming of the Flash memory content currently present in the Flash Memory view of AVR Studio.
If no project is running, or the source code is stored in a separate HEX file,
select the "Input HEX File" option. Browse to the correct file by pressing the
or writing the complete path and filename in the text field. The selected file
must be in "Intel-hex" format or "extended Intel-hex" format.
If STK500 User Interface is opened without a project loaded in AVR Studio, the "Use Current Simulator/Emulator EEPROM Memory" option will be grayed out. When a project is open this option allows programming of the EEPROM memory content currently present in the EEPROM Memory view.
If no project is running, or the source code is stored in a separate HEX file,
select the "Input HEX File" option. Browse to the correct file by pressing the
or writing the complete path and filename in the text field. The selected file
must be in "Intel-hex" format or "extended Intel-hex" format.
See Also