On the "Fuses Settings" tab an overview of accessible fuses are presented. Press the "Read" button to read the current value of the fuses, and the "Write" button to write the current fuse setting to the device. Checking one of these check-boxes indicates that this fuse should be enabled/programmed, which means writing a "zero" to the fuse location in the actual device. Note that the selected fuse setting is not affected by erasing the device with a chip-erase cycle (i.e. pressing "Chip Erase" button in the "Program" settings).
Detailed information on which fuses are available in the different programming modes and their functions can be found in the appropriate device datasheet.
Some fuses are only available during High-Voltage programming. These will be displayed, but not accessible if operating in ISP programming mode. Also, some parts do not support either ISP programming mode or High-Voltage programming. The appearance of the check box describes whether the fuse is readable and/or writable in the active programming mode.
The fuse bit is readable and writable in the active prorgamming mode.
The fuse bit is readable but not writable in the active prorgamming mode.
The fuse bit is not readable but writable in the active prorgamming mode.
The fuse bit is neither readable nor writable in the active prorgamming mode.
If a fuse is not readable in the active programming mode, the value displayed in the window cannot be trusted.
See Also